The change of license can be performed via the "License" menu item from "Options" menu in main program menu.
By choosing this item a dialog allowing the license change will appear. You need the appropriate rights for the change of license.
There are licenses of given computer listed in the upper part of window. By clicking on the serial number in the list, a detailed information about the selected number will appear in the lower part of the window.
Click on the "Add" button if you would like to add a serial number. A dialog allowing to enter the new number will appear.
Enter carefully a purchased serial number into the prepared text boxes. For storing the number, click on "OK" button. The newly entered number will appear in the list of purchased licenses. If you don't want to store the number, press the "Cancel" button.
Via the "Remove" button you can remove the selected number from a list.
For closing the "License" dialog use a "Close" button.